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Cathy Hutton Honored By Kentucky Law Enforcement


Based on her work with Wills for First Responders, Cathy Hutton of CSB’s Covington, Kentucky office was selected to receive the Kentucky Women’s Law Enforcement Network’s Benefactor Award.  This award is given to a citizen, community member, business, volunteer organization or other entity whose supportive actions have had a positive impact on KWLEN, women in law enforcement or the law enforcement community as a whole. The award winner demonstrates a continuing commitment to service and leadership to the police community.   The award will be presented at an awards luncheon that will be held during the KY Women’s Law Enforcement Network’s Conference on Thursday, November 18th at 1200pm. It will be held at Dale Hollow State Resort Park in Burkesville, KY.

Wills for First Responders was founded by Cathy following the September 11 attacks.  It brings together lawyers and paralegals to provide wills and healthcare directives at no charge to first responders and their spouses.  For more information, contact Cathy Hutton at 859-878-2502

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